Showing 1603 Result(s)

Poona Pact & a Dalit-CM

dr jas kehal 1

  Dr Jas Simran Kehal Revisiting Poona pact through literature, I was wondering what frame of mind Dr Ambedkar would have been in prior to signing the pact. One needs to have nerves of steel to single-handedly manage that sort of tough bargain while safeguarding interests of the depressed classes. That somber mood was disrupted …


Understanding Tribal Culture: The Perspective from Within

balaka chattaraj 1

  Balaka Chattaraj The terms Tribe and Adivasi have been historically misinterpreted in academia. The Tribal and Adivasi culture have always been explained and argued from the colonial standpoint and caste epistemology. The two popular epistemologies have always painted Tribes and Adivasis in one particular manner, first as savage and second as under-developed. The caste …