Showing 1601 Result(s)

Sunita Williams:The First Victim of Space-Race Colonization?

Umar Nizar “It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue …


Book Review: ‘The Incarcerations: Bhima Koregaon and the Search for Democracy in India’ by Alpa Shah

Anitta Anna Moncy “Our motto is still alive and to the point: pessimism of the intellect and optimism of the will”, says Antonio Gramsci in his Prison Notebooks. Alpa Shah, the author of ‘Nightmarch: Among India’s Revolutionary Guerrillas’ in her new book ‘The Incarcerations: Bhima Koregaon and the Search for Democracy in India’ actualizes this …


Bridging the Gap: Addressing Educational and Rural Development Challenges

Shubham S. Kamble In Maharashtra, many high school students struggle with fundamental concepts in science and mathematics, a problem that only worsens as they progress to higher grades, according to the National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2021. This troubling trend underscores broader, deeply rooted issues within the state’s educational and socio-economic infrastructure, particularly in rural areas …


The Khairlanji Massacre: Unveiling the Intersection of Caste, Gender, and Violence in Modern India

Ajinkya Sanjay Khandizod Introduction Dalits comprise 16.6% of India’s population, with 1000 males to 945 females (Census, 2011). The alarming situation is that every day, ten Dalit women are raped (Maniyar, 2024). The historical marginalization of Dalits is reflected in various forms. According to Shastras, Dalits were prohibited from owning wealth or land (Anowar & …


Merit: A Savarna Tool to Reinforce Caste Hegemony

Vaibhav Kharat The recent notification by the UPSC, inviting applications for 45 lateral entry posts at the levels of Joint Secretary, Director, and Deputy Secretary across 24 Union government ministries, has reignited the toxic debate of meritocracy vs reservation. The government’s promotion of lateral entry as a tool to bring in fresh talent and expertise …


The 2024 General Elections and the Stifling of Muslim Anti-caste Discourse

Md Asif Uzzaman Abstract: This article looks at the uses of Pasmanda political discourse during the Indian general elections of 2024 by the two contending sides represented by the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) in order to bring out a larger process of invisibilization of the politics based …


Dalits of All Faiths Deserve Equal Rights: A Call for Justice

Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari, National Spokesperson, All India Pasmanda Muslim Mahaz (AIPMM) In a nation where diversity is our strength, the struggle for social justice remains an ongoing battle. The recent landmark decision by the Supreme Court, allowing sub-classification within Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST), is a beacon of hope for …


The Preamble of the Indian Constitution: A password for Social Transformation

Ashok Mane Introduction We are celebrating the 77th independence day. But the question remains whether we have been successful in ensuring independence to all or it is just an annual festival for few. I am writing my personal views about social change in India and how our Preamble is helpful to this process. In recent …


Banksy’s Bristol, UK riots and the texture of subaltern life

Umar Nizar The graffiti superstar Banksy known for his politically charged work, has recently been playing it safe by making animal murals in the city of London, which is interesting in the light of the recent right wing hooliganism and rioting in the UK. Multiculturalism in the UK is a sham, and so is the …