Showing 82 Result(s)

Contextualising Manu as a ‘hireling’: A Critical Analysis of Chapter VII in the Manusmriti

Somnath Pati “It has an affirmation of life, a triumphing, agreeable sensation in life, and that to draw up a lawbook such as Manu means to permit oneself to get the upper hand, to become perfect, to be ambitious of the highest art of living.” – Friedrich Nietzsche (attributed) Finding Manu’s verses “inspiring” and acting …


Dalit Studies Out Of Education Policy 

Sangharsh Telang  The higher education institutions have invisibilised the story of Dalit experiences. The Dalit curriculum remains unwelcome in higher learning and teaching institutions. The present policy debate pertaining to education in India indicates that Dalit pedagogy is antithetical to the overall national development and poses a threat to the ‘high order thinking’. The new …


Do Brahmins hit and run?

Kuffir Do Brahmins hit and run? Meaning: do Brahmins cause motor accidents and run away? Two recent events say they do. The first event is a film, a work of fiction; the other a real incident which has become stranger than fiction. That’s what triggered these thoughts on accidents. The first narrative refers to the …


Is division and bloodbath evident in Bengal: A brief note on the demand for a separate Koch-Kamatapur state in North Bengal

Nirban Ray            On June 7th, the Chief of the banned armed outfit Kamatapur Liberation Organization (KLO) warned Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee before her visit to North Bengal that – “Mamata Banerjee should not come to Koch-Kamatapur. She cannot interfere or oppose the formation of Koch-Kamatapur state. The situation will be horrible if force is applied. …