Showing 82 Result(s)

Vulgarization of Subaltern Culture

dr y srinivasa rao @ bangalore

  Dr. Y. Srinivasa Rao In India, while classical arts are for the rich and international audiences, and are practiced by the upper castes for fame, name and prestige, subaltern arts are for the rural population and practiced by the subalterns for livelihood and survival. Upper castes ascribed the ability to reserving everything that had …


Political hues of Freedom of Speech!

Bobby Kunhu “State propaganda, when supported by the educated classes and when no deviation is permitted from it, can have a big effect. It was a lesson learned by Hitler and many others, and it has been pursued to this day.” ― Noam Chomsky, Media Control:The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda I have always been a vocal advocate …


Challenging the notion of ‘Survival of the fittest’: Significance of Babasaheb’s argument in our times

spva sairam

Dr. SPVA Sairam Natural historians fought among themselves as to ‘how’ organisms or species tend to survive in the ‘struggle for existence’, because the resources are always limited and the environment is mostly dynamic. For Darwin, it is mostly by violent means that organisms tend to outlive others; for Kropotkin, it is mostly about co-operation. …


RSS: the shadow and the deeper undercurrent of the cultural counter-revolution

bhushan amol darkase 2

Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase  For the Veda is tainted by three faults of untruth, self-contradiction, and tautology. ~ Charvaka[1]  The 2022 calendar published by IIT Kharagpur with the theme of ‘Indian Knowledge Systems’ acknowledged on its front page in the first line- ‘Recognition of the secret of the Vedas.’ [2] This fetish for the revival …


Toilet woman of India: The woman Narendra Modi is scared of

Aniket Kumar & Sabha Beaten, sexually assaulted and yet kept struggling: the story of Pragya Akhilesh, also called the ‘Toilet woman of India’ and ‘Omvedt of Bihar.’ On the streets of Araria and Begusarai, she scares not only the SBM officials with her record breaking data on toilets showcasing 1.3 lakh dry toilets in only …