Round Table India
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Dalit Law student in grave need of financial support
Round Table India
Maruthi N is pursuing BA, LLB in Bhaskar Law College, Moinabad, Telangana. He is a Dalit student belonging to a Scheduled Caste. Due to financial constraints he is being deprived of an opportunity of becoming a law graduate which he had secured through long years of hard work.
Our humble request is to support him in this struggle for education. He needs your support so that he can complete payment of his college fees and for his living needs during the academic year- hostel accommodation, food,  etc. which will cost him around one lakh (Rs. 100,000) every year. Please help him in this endeavour to fulfill his academic dream. Thanking you,
Please find his account details below:
Account number: 317801500461
Branch: Mysore
Account Type: Savings
Account holder’s name: MARUTHI N
IFSC Code: ICIC0000152
Maruthi’s phone number: +91 86182 20764

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