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Four Noble Truths: A Navayanist Perspective

Dr. Ratnesh Katulkar 

[An excerpt from the upcoming book, Navayāna Philosophy: Exploring Ancient Buddhist Teachings in Modern and Humanistic Perspective.

Buddhahood essentially involves uncovering the universal truth and applying it practically to life. The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the most profound teachings for achieving Buddhahood. Its significance is highlighted by the fact that it forms the core of the Buddha’s first sermon after attaining enlightenment. This pivotal sermon, known as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, marks the moment when the wheel of Dhamma started turning, symbolizing the beginning of spreading the Dhamma among people.

This intricate concept can be comprehended through four universal realities:

  1. Reality of Life (Seeking Happiness): The universal reality that all beings seek happiness.
  2. Underlying Reason ((Inherent Unhappiness): The underlying reason that all beings are fundamentally unhappy.
  3. Hope for Redemption (Positive Approach): The positive approach that perfect happiness can lead to the cessation of unhappiness.
  4. Practical Way-out (Path to Eliminate Suffering): The practical way out is the Noble Eightfold Path, which is the sole means to attain true happiness.

In traditional Buddhism, the four universal truths are known as the Four Noble Truths. They are defined as follows:

  1. The truth of the existence of suffering (Dukkha)
  2. The truth of the cause of suffering (Samudaya)
  3. The truth of the end of suffering (Nirodha)
  4. The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering ( Dukkhanirodhagamini Patipada)

The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism can initially seem abstract or complex, so a detailed explanation can help clarify them. Let’s begin with the fundamental truth of life:

  1. Reality of Life (Seeking Happiness): Imagine a newborn. When it receives a gentle touch, milk, or is cleaned, it feels happiness. This illustrates that happiness is a basic need for all living beings, whether plants or animals. Everyone, regardless of strength or independence, desires love, care, support, and kindness. The pursuit of happiness is the first univers truth.
  2. Underlying Reason (=Inherent Unhappiness): The reason for this pursuit is that all beings are inherently unhappy. There is a void within each organism’s mind, a vacuum longing to be filled with love and care. This void represents sorrow or unhappiness. Until it is filled, true happiness or normalcy cannot be achieved. Often, the reasons behind this void are unknown, leading individuals to extreme measures such as using intoxicants, engaging in illegitimate activities, or violence to fill it. However, with proper love, care, understanding, and support, the likelihood of resorting to negative behaviors diminishes significantly.
  3. Hope for Redemption (Positive Approach):   No matter how deep one’s sorrow or how far one has strayed from the right path, there is always hope for redemption. The inherent sufferings and sorrows, as well as those exacerbated by wrong choices, can be alleviated if one actively seeks to remove them.
  4. Practical Way-out (Path to Eliminate Suffering) : The practical means to eliminate suffering is through the Noble Eightfold Path. While various suggestions may exist, the only effective way to achieve genuine happiness and success in both spiritual and worldly life is by following these eight steps. This structured approach highlights the transformative potential of the Noble Eightfold Path in guiding individuals towards a life of profound fulfillment and inner peace.

The Noble Eightfold Path requires the engagement of both mind and body, as well as an elevated level of consciousness. The journey begins with the mind, recognizing that it is the forerunner of all actions. It then involves physical actions, translating noble thoughts into meaningful deeds, which is crucial for them to have a significant impact. Finally, it encompasses higher-level thinking, ultimately reflected in one’s actions. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive and transformative experience, leading individuals toward true happiness and enlightenment.


Dr Ratnesh Katulkaris an author and activist. His recent published books are ‘Outcasts on the Margins: Exclusion and Discrimination of Scavenging Communities in Education’ and ‘Prefaces of Forewords of Dr Ambedkar.’ He is also a teacher of Navayana philosophy, his videos on navayana are available at youtube at . He could be contacted at


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