Round Table India
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Horse blinkers



Horse blinkers

‘Walk with horse blinkers’,

advised my forty year old

father out of his tobacco filled

mouth, rotten teeth showing,

from the gap of two lips.

While removing my blood stained ,

white school uniform, on a rainy

evening of shravan, when

I came back from the school,

breaking the skull of a kshatriya,

He told me to walk with horse blinkers,

On my way back to ‘chamarwada’.

‘If you don’t want to be killed by them’

He gleefully added.

Let me tell you the story

of my protective, vulnerable

dalit  father, and ask him about

the memory which makes him

say: ‘he wants to fill their

arseholes up with molten lead’,

In times when all the narratives

about abusive drunkarddalit –

fathers get lapped up by savarnas.


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