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Jotiba Phule and Dr. Ambedkar: Understanding their connection

Jotiba Phule and Dr. Ambedkar: Understanding their connection

Jotiba Phule and Dr.Ambedkar: Understanding their connection (Part-I)

Speaking on the occasion of his Diamond Jubilee celebrations, Dr. Ambedkar remarked: 

“I am a devotee of Gautam Buddha, Kabir and Mahatma Phule and worshiper of learning, self-respect and character.” [1]

Out of his three gurus, he had explicitly written about his connection with Buddha and Kabir. Speaking about his association with Siddhartha Gautam, he recollected:

“The year I passed the English Fourth Standard Examination, my community people wanted to celebrate the occasion by holding a public meeting to congratulate me. Compared to the state of education in other communities, this was hardly an occasion for celebration. But it was felt by the organizers that I was the first boy in my community to reach this stage; they thought that I had reached a great height. They went to my father to ask for his permission. My father flatly refused, saying that such a thing would inflate the boy’s head; after all, he has only passed an examination and done nothing more. Those who wanted to celebrate the event were greatly disappointed. They, however, did not give way. They went to Dada Keluskar, a personal friend of my father, and asked him to intervene. He agreed. After a little argumentation, my father yielded, and the meeting was held. Dada Keluskar presided. He was a literary person of his time. At the end of his address he gave me as a gift a copy of his book on the life of the Buddha, which he had written for the Baroda Sayajirao Oriental Series. I read the book with great interest, and was greatly impressed and moved by it. I began to ask why my father did not introduce us to Buddhist literature…This is how I turned to the Buddha, with the help of the book given to me by Dada Keluskar. It was not with an empty mind that I went to the Buddha at that early age. I had a background, and in reading the Buddhist Lore I could always compare and contrast. This is the origin of my interest in the Buddha and His Dhamma” [2]

Speaking about the influence of Kabir, he said:

“Kabir is my second guru. My father was a Kabirpanthi. Naturally, Kabir’s life and philosophy had a deep impact on me. In my opinion, kabir understood the true meaning of Buddha’s philosophy” [3]

With respect to Mahatma Phule, he remarked:

“My third guru is Jotiba Phule.  He is the true teacher of Non-Brahmins. He has taught the lessons of humanity to [castes like] Shimpi, Kumbhar, Nhavi, Mali, Koli, Mahar, Mang and Chambhar” [4]

As can be observed from aforementioned quotes, Babasaheb did not speak explicitly about his connection with Jotiba, i.e., he did not narrate how he was introduced to Jotiba Phule. This article aims to answer this question. 


Connecting the dots: How was Dr.Ambedkar introduced to Jotiba Phule?

In my understanding, the following two factors help us in understanding Dr.Ambedkar’s intimate association with the movement of Mahatma Jotiba Phule.

1] Influence of Phule’s movement on Dr. Ambedkar’s family:

First, it is believed that Dr.Ambedkar’s father Ramji Sakpal was an admirer of Phule [5].

If this is true, then Babasaheb must have learned about Jotiba from his father. While he was growing up in Mhow, Babasaheb had friends from the Mali community as well. 

Second there is an interesting event through which we can gauge the influence of Phule’s movement on Dr. Ambedkar’s family.  In 1893, an order was issued by the British Government banning the recruitment of the Untouchables in the British Army.

Talking about this treacherous event, Babasaheb said:

“Nothing can be more ungrateful than this exclusion of the Untouchables from the Army…The effect of this exclusion has proved most disastrous in its social consequences to the life of the Untouchables. The Military Service was the only service in which it was possible for the Untouchables to earn a living and also to have a career. It is a part of history that many untouchables had done meritorious service in the field and hundreds had risen to the status of Jamadar, Subhedar and Subhedar Majors. The Military occupation had given them respectability in the eyes of the Hindus and had given them a sense of importance, by opening to them places of power, prestige and authority. When this service was closed, the Untouchables received a stunning blow and set-back from which they have not recovered. They were thrown from a precipice and without exaggeration, fell far below the level at which they had stood under the native Governments” [6]

This injustice was resisted under the leadership of people like Gopalbuwa Valangkar. Speaking proudly about it, Babasaheb noted:

‘Reforming the Anaryas’ was one of the first organizations that had sprung up in Bombay Presidency in the last decades of 19th century. When in the year 1893 the British Government stopped the recruitment of the untouchables in the military, it was this organisation which had submitted a petition to the British for continuing the recruitment… This association was started at Dapoli in Ratnagiri District … The organizers of this Association not only tried to solve some important problems of the untouchables but they also produced literature to awaken the untouchable masses. Some members of this Association were the staunch supporters and followers of Mahatma Jotiba Phule, the founder of Satyashodhak Samaj. I cannot resist my temptation of mentioning one name and that was of Gopalbuwa Valangkar. The kind of awakening he promoted among our people through his writings is incomparable. Those who wish to know about this should consult the old files of the paper “Dinbandhu” of Satyashodhak Samaj [7]

It is interesting to note that Dr. Ambedkar’s father was also a part of this protest against the British [8] Thus, it would not be unfair to consider that he was introduced to Phule either through his father or by the active movement of Satyashodhak Samaj that was prevalent around him since his childhood.

2] Dr.Ambedkar and his friendship with members of Satyashodhak Samaj: 

After growing up, Babasaheb joined the active movement of Phule [unlike many, he remained faithful to it till the end] and shared an amiable relationship with some of the members associated with Satyashodhak Samaj. Chief among them were Dada Keluskar, S.K.Bole, Gadge Baba and Prabodhankar Thackeray.

As we saw, Dada Keluskar gifted a book on Buddha to Babasaheb. He was not only a connecting link between Jotiba and Dr.Ambedkar’s father but also between Dr.Ambedkar and Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad III and his grandson Raja Pratap Singh Rao Gaikwad [9].

S.K.Bole had worked closely with Babasaheb right from the historic Mahad Satyagraha.

In fact, it was Bole who moved the resolution in Bombay Legislative Council in 1923 to allow Untouchables to use public water places. [10] In 1937, he contested from Ratnagiri region under the banner of Dr.Ambedkar’s Independent Labour Party.

Prabodhankar Thackeray was also associated with Babasaheb and shared a cordial relationship with him till the end.

Finally, it is too well known to need any mention as to how Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad, Shahu Maharaj and Sant Gadge Baba admired Babasaheb and worked selflessly to promote the noble mission of Jotiba Phule and Savitrimai [11]


Hitherto, we have seen how Jotiba’s SOCIAL movement influenced Babasaheb, but there is another connection which is equally remarkable, namely the INTELLECTUAL connection between Jotiba and Dr.Ambedkar. A comparison of their writings throws a flood of light on the similarity of thought that is intimately present between them. We will see more about this in the forthcoming article.

Lastly, I would be failing in my duty if I close this article without stating a few words about Dr.Ambedkar’s efforts to keep the legacy of the Phule couple alive.


Dr. Ambedkar’s efforts to keep the legacy of Phule alive

We ought to thank Babasaheb for keeping the memory of the Phule couple alive because immediately after the death of Savitrimai, the caste society made Yashwant and his family suffer severely and by 1920s, the legacy of Phules was made to vanish from the memory of many. Most of the supporters of Phule joined Congress and other parties. Even a man like S.K.Bole had left the Satyashodhak Samaj and joined Hindu Mahasabha!

Speaking about this unfortunate state of affairs, Babasaheb wondered:

“I consider Jotiba Phule as my teacher.  He was born in Mali community.  Many Marathas were also his disciples. But, today there are very strange circumstances. Today no one (Maratha, Kurmi, Mali, Teli, and other castes) takes Jotiba’s name!” [12]

When everyone started deserting Phule couple, it was Babasaheb who held them close to his heart. On one occasion, he proudly roared:

“I never felt ashamed to proclaim myself as the follower of Mahatma Jotiba Phule either in the past or in the present. I tell with full confidence that if there is anyone who has been associated to Jotiba with honesty, it’s only me. I’m certain that any party that comes to power – whatever be its name – and cares for the all round development of masses, it would have to follow Jotiba’s visionary approach, ethical principles and philosophy to move forward. This is the only way to achieve democracy… What is use of crying and making noise about freedom, when more than 80 percent of the masses are denied access to education and kept, so openly, in a perpetual state of social, economic and political slavery? Everyone must get the fruits of freedom” [13]

As a matter of fact, Dr.Ambedkar had not only dedicated his path breaking book titled “Who were the Shudras” to him [14] but also made untiringly painstaking efforts to collect and republish all his works.

In this connection, an appeal published in Prabodhankar Thackeray’s Marathi magazine is worth citing, it reads:

“A Public Appeal to the Followers/ devotees of Mahatma Phule: The Great Intellectual of Maharashtra, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, has undertaken a task of writing a detailed scholarly thesis in English on the life of Mahatma Phule. For this task, he desperately needs all the writings of Mahatma Phule and the essays and writings of his colleagues as references for writing this thesis. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is also going to reprint all the books of Mahatma Phule in a better manner. Therefore, understanding the importance of this project, those who have whatever books of Jotiba available with them may immediately send that material by registered book post to me or Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Those who want to sell the books written by Phule may send a letter mentioning the price of the books. “The Essence of Caste Discrimination” is the book written by Jotiba Phule only, with an alias name ‘A Hindu’ ” [15].

Interestingly, we can trace Dr. Ambedkar’s attempt to pen a book on Phule to his speech on “Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah” [16]. In that speech, he compared Phule and Ranade but when it was published in the form of a book, he omitted the part related to Phule. Speaking about the same in one his letters to Prof.M.B.Chitnis, Babasaheb wrote in 1942:

“I share your regret over the omission of the part dealing with Phule. I am, however, far from losing sight of its importance. I will take some occasion to enlarge and publish it” [17]

Unfortunately Babasaheb could not finish writing a book on Phule. It would have been truly fascinating to read his analysis on Phule from multiple vantage points. But, be that as it may, by declaring Jotiba Phule as his guru, Dr.Ambedkar has rekindled the tremendous spirit of the Phule couple. Thus, it is unsurprising to say that even today, the legacy of Phules is kept alive and fondly cherished by Ambedkarites across the nation. They echo with pride the words of Dr.Ambedkar who said: “We will not certainly abandon the philosophy of Jotiba Phule!”



1] Volume 17 (3) of new BAWS, from page 504, for full speech see Volume 40 of Hindi BAWS [page 349]

2] From Unpublished Preface to Buddha and his Dhamma, see it here:

3] Volume 40 of Hindi BAWS, from page 349

4] ibid

5] Ambedkar: Awakening India’s Social Conscience by Narendra Jadhav, page 23 [We are left to conjecture if Ramji Sakpal had met Jotiba or had any correspondence with him]

6] Volume 12 of new BAWS, read from page 86, why were untouchables excluded? Dr.Ambedkar writes: “When, after the Indian Mutiny, the Race of Indian rulers shriveled, the Hindus began to enter the British Army which was already filled with the Untouchables; then arose a problem—a problem of adjusting the relative position of the two groups—touchables and untouchables—and the British, who always, in cases of conflict between justice and convenience, prefer convenience, solved the problem by just turning out the Untouchables and without allowing any sense of gratitude to come in their way”.

7] Issue No. 1 of Bahishkrit Bharat, from page20 [from Part 1 of Bahishkrit Bharat, translated by Dr.B.R.Kamble]

8] See page 211 of RANADE, GANDHI AND JINNAH in Volume 1 of BAWS


10] Volume 17(1) of new BAWS, page 3

11] Check this amazing book titled ‘Glimpses of Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj’ by Principal R.K.Kanbarkar

12] Volume 40 of Hindi BAWS, page 317

13] Volume 40 of Hindi BAWS, page 236

14] The dedication of the book reads: “ Inscribed to the Memory of MAHATMA JOTIBA FULE (1827—1890) The Greatest Shudra of Modern India who made the lower classes of Hindus conscious of their slavery to the higher classes and who preached the gospel that for India social democracy was more vital than independence from foreign rule” [Volume 7 of BAWS]

15] I thank Mangesh Dahiwale sir for sharing this information on his Facebook wall:


17] Letter number 120 from Letters of Ambedkar edited by Dr.Surendra Ajnat


Dr. SPVA Sairam is a Dentist by Profession.

Image courtesy: the internet.