
Politicizing working castes-classes: Prakash Ambedkar and Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi

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  Prashant Ingole Soon after the death of B.R. Ambedkar, the Republican Party of India (RPI), the party which he had imagined as the symbol of Dalit unity in order to achieve the political power, collapsed and fractured into the multiple factions. Dividing the Dalit politicians, the dominant political forces like Congress, Bhartiya Janata Party …


On the 10 percent reservation policy

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Dr. Ravichandran Bathran Old wine in a new bottle: the present reservation is nothing but a reservation policy exclusively for the upper caste Hindus. Protests demanding reservation and stalling the government’s day to day life has been a frequent affair in different states. As a response to these violent protests, the different state governments provided …


Exploring the Narrative History and Experiences of Meghwal Community: An Ethnographic Study

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  Mayur Helia The Meghwal community has no written history as such. Everything is in the oral form. Through this research, I have understood that a major portion of their history is lost in this process of oral history. Also, there are multiple stories which have come up over a period of time. About the …


Rising Caste Based Inequality and Entrepreneurship Among Pasmanda Communities

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  Mohammad Imran In the last two decades, the term Pasmanda has been heavily discussed by Bahujan political scientists, especially when it comes to the democratic politics among Indian Muslims. Mobilisation based on the same term has demanded democratisation of intra-religious politics. Pasmanda mobilisation not only questioned the communal (binary) nature of political gathering but …