
The Unbreakable Resolve of Dr. Ambedkar: Lessons in Leadership

Dr Aniruddha Babar “A ‘Yes man’ is a dangerous man. He is a menace. He will go very far. He can become a minister, a secretary or a Field Marshal but he can never become a leader nor ever be respected.” ~. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, MC In the annals of history, a vast gallery …


Contemporary Caste Discrimination and Strategies for Empowerment of Scheduled Castes

Shubham Kamble

Shubham S. Kamble Caste represents a pernicious social element that gradually erodes the fabric of society, rendering it progressively weaker. Regrettably, certain individuals and privileged segments of society persist in their reluctance to accept individuals belonging to the Scheduled Caste and marginalized communities. The gravest challenge arises from the perspective of Scheduled Caste individuals, comprising …


Assault on indigenous Adivasi languages and identity in Bastar

Jyoti Markam In the ever-evolving narrative of human progress, where the pursuit of sustenance, clothing, and shelter has been a constant, certain indigenous communities face a distinctive challenge that transcends these fundamental needs. Their struggle revolves around safeguarding their cultural heritage, including their languages, as well as stewardship of their precious forests and lands. The …


Public statement against denial of reservation in Calicut University

Round Table India Calicut University must give immediate appointments to Dalit candidates as per reservation norms, based on the verdict of the Honourable Supreme Court and the order of Kerala State Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Dr. T.S. Syamkumar, Dr. Tara, and Dr. Suresh Kumar Puthanparambil lost their chances of getting appointed as …


Continuing discrimination against female students in higher educational spaces

Deepika Kumari Meena While India strives to be known as a “VishwaGuru” or a worldwide leader in the modern era, accepting pervasive prejudice inside our educational institutions is depressing. This raises the dilemma of how we can become “VishwaGurus” while dealing with inequality in the educational system. A university is considered a place where students …


Two Paths, One Destination: Annabhau Sathe’s Artistic Revolution in Ambedkar’s Shadow

 Dr Aniruddha Babar ‘Our journey toward justice is relentless, for it is a journey toward a more humane world.’ ~ Annabhau Sathe In the annals of Indian social and political discourse, the names of Annabhau Sathe and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar loom large, casting a profound and lasting influence on the nation’s relentless pursuit of social …


How do we know what Ambedkar read?

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Scott R. Stroud Everyone who knows Bhimrao Ambedkar surely knows that he was a voracious reader. His personal library was a wonderful aberration in a time when books in private hands were fairly rare, not to mention the prevailing situations when those hands were labeled as “untouchable” by the oppressive customs of caste. His library …


Exploitation and Resistance in Indian Corporate Culture

Mohit Meshram I worked at a startup company while pursuing higher education, facing family and financial issues at the time. The company was a fintech firm providing personal loans to students and employees, similar to a company like Mpokket, and it was earning substantial profits. I was part of the KYC verification department, but there …