Ankush Uttam Helode Despite 76 years of independence, India is still facing caste-based problems and discrimination, In rural areas especially small villages, untouchability is still in practice. The mode of caste based discrimination in the urban spaces is changing, however villages are the cesspools in which caste grows in many dimensions. Public places like drinking …
Two Translated Poems Of Wamandada Kardak
Dr. Abhijit Shahaji Khandkar Poem 1: (Original poem in Marathi) English Translation – Poem 2: Original Poem in Marathi English Translation – ~~~ Dr. Abhijit Shahaji Khandkar is a pathologist and writer with a keen interest in translation. He observes the microcosm world under the lens of his microscope and macrocosm of society with his …
The Dravidian Movement: Challenging Brahminical Authority and the Battle for Spiritual Independence
Maxwin Rayen The recent Sengol controversy has captured significant attention and triggered extensive discussions, particularly regarding the authenticity of the sceptre. However, there is more to this story than what initially meets the eye. The Dravidian movement in Tamil Nadu gained popularity not only for advocating rationalist ideas and self-respect philosophy but also due to …
What is stopping ‘Dalit scholars’ from submitting their PhDs?
donna Competing ‘merit’ is cultural violence- ‘Merit as pus’[1] On March 29, 2023, the Union Minister of State for Education shared with the Rajya Sabha the number of dropouts among SC, ST, and OBC students in the educational institutions of India. The debate still revolves around the kind of schemes offered and the funds/fee waivers …
The ones who walk away from India
Chanchal Kumar Those who have read Ursula Le Guin’s short story Those Who Walk Away from Omelas, might be in a fix as to the ways in which the story can be interpreted. How to apply it to the world in which we live in? In this essay I will try to look at the …
Why bring “Rhetoric” into our Stories about Ambedkar?
Scott R. Stroud Bhimrao Ambedkar is a complex figure who has many stories orbiting about him, many still waiting to be told and explored. I have become enraptured by the story we all know is there—that of the intellectual relationship between Bhimrao Ambedkar and John Dewey. Dewey was a giant in American philosophical stories; Ambedkar …
‘BhimBaba’: A valuable book for present and future generations!
Shailesh Narwade When I was asked to write a foreword for this book titled ‘BhimBaba’, I was a little apprehensive of my ability to do so. But when I agreed and started going through its pages, I realized that this book is so important in today’s time. I know Dr Prashant Tambe for more than …
Tribal Intellectual Collective India announces Lecture Series
The Tribal Intellectual Collective India, a national platform of academics and scholars from the Scheduled Tribe communities are organising a special lecture on an important subject concerning the history and process of becoming a Scheduled Tribe in India. The lecture will be delivered by its National Convener (Academic) Dr. Bodhi S. R, Associate Professor and …
Babasaheb and Frances Fitzgerald’s Relationship: ‘Becoming Babasaheb’ presents more speculation than evidence
Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase The author Aakash Singh Rathore claims in his book ‘Becoming Babasaheb’ that Ambedkar did seriously consider marrying Frances Fitzgerald. (Page 144/388 Kindle edition) The references given by the author for his claims are some WordPress websites ( which we will explore below. 1) As per this site, Frances Fitzgerald died …