
Casting corruption

mallepalli lakshmaiah

  Mallepalli Lakshmaiah There is nothing new in the social scientist, Ashis Nandy’s formulation that “most of the corrupt” people in India “come from the OBCs (Other Backward Classes) and the Scheduled Castes (SC), and now increasingly Scheduled Tribes (ST)”. Those defending Nandy as an original thinker and so-called public intellectual may be reminded of …


“Is Ashis Nandy a sacred cow?”

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  Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes [Ravi Chandran, of the video news journal ‘Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes‘, interviewed Dr K. Satyanarayana, Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, English and Foreign Languages University (EFL-U) on Prof. Ashis Nandy’s recent comments On Dalit Bahujans at the Jaipur Literature Festival. Here’s a part of the transcript of …


The Emperor Has No Clothes

sanatan academics

  Dr. N. Sukumar Ashis Nandy’s observations at the Jaipur Literary Festival have created a furore. Inadvertently, it has exposed the shallow foundations of our academic elite. Suddenly, the brahmanical lobby is forced to go on the defensive and is tying itself up in knots providing all kinds of explanations. The Ashis Nandy fan club …


‘Castration’ as a hegemonic form of punishment: A Legal History Point of View

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Sophy Joseph “There should be maximum punishment to the rapists, death penalty or castration” This incantation got huge endorsement from political parties, civil society organizations, the middle class and some activists from India and abroad during the aftermath of the insensate Delhi gang rape incident and subsequent death of ‘Nirbhaya’ who fought to survive till …