
Caste and Caste-Based Discrimination among Indian Muslims – Part 1

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  Caste and Caste-Based Discrimination among Indian Muslims – Part 1: The domination of ‘high’ caste Muslims that parallels the Hindu case Masood Alam Falahi [Translator’s Note: Very little has been written on the existence of caste and caste-based discrimination among the Indian Muslims. ‘Upper’ caste Muslims, who, although a very small minority among the …


Bhagana’s Dalits Demand Justice in Delhi


Excluded from Society and Victims of State Repression, Dalits Demonstrate in Delhi for Justice Neel Kranti Desk (Translated from Hindi by Gurinder Azad) {youtube}EWHjBCL_m3Q{/youtube} While Delhi and its outskirts are facing 45 degrees temperatures and people are retreating into homes, offices and cars with air-conditioning, Dalits from Bhagana village (Haryana) have reached Delhi covering a …


Lakshmipeta Massacre


Ch. Das Instances of brutal attacks against poor and landless Dalits have been reported more intensely and frequently in North Andhra Pradesh, in areas where the Dalit population is concentrated. On June 12, the socially, economically and politically powerful Kapus launched a cruel and violent attack on the poor landless Malas of Lakshmipeta village, in …