
My Man


  Anu Ramdas Lakshmi was always comfortable sharing her thoughts about her husband, Shanmugam. He was the shy one and never said much about personal things. Listening to Billie Holiday’s songs often brings back memories of the way Lakshmi used to talk about her married life to me. On some days it would be: My …


Agitation for OBC Reservation at Delhi University


[Statement Forwarded by Anoop Patel, AIBSF] A group of students and teachers of Delhi University staged a protest demonstration in front of Ramjas College. A delegation met the Principal, Ramjas College and put forward their demands. After staging the demonstration the group marched to the office of the Dean of Students’ Welfare (Delhi University) and continued …


Melavalavu Murders

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[Today marks the 15th anniversary of the brutal Melavalavu massacre. Read about it in this excerpt from the chapter ‘The Pattern of Abuse: Southern District Clashes in Tamil Nadu and the State’s Response‘ from the report ‘Broken People: Caste Violence Against India’s Untouchables’ published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) in 1999.] In September 1996, the village …


The Cartoon Conundrum

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      A counterpoint: Conundrum of a cartoon and the proselytization of professors ~~ Bojja Tharakam A considerable bunch of professors are up in arms against those who condemned the cartoon republished in the text book in political science for class XI (published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training), depicting Jawaharlal …


Please save the life of Ambedkarite Journalist Satyendra Murli

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Please copy and mail the letter published below to the various authorities listed at the bottom (with email ids) to protest the detention of Satyendra Murli, Ambedkarite journalist, by Jaipur police  ~~~ Date : June 27, 2012 To, The Commissioner of Police, Jaipur Police, Rajesthan. Sub: information regarding illegal detention/ arrest of Journalist Satyendra Murli …


Dr. Ambedkar, Neo-liberal Market-Economy and Social Democracy in India (Part II)

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Ronki Ram Continued from here. [This paper was originally published in Human Rights Global Focus, Vol. 5, Nos. 3&4, July-December 2010, pp 12-38 (late issue)] Moreover, atrocities against Dalits (social boycott, kidnapping, murder, abduction, bonded labour, intimidation, rape, honour killings and residential segregation) have also increased many folds during the economic reforms measures. Tapan Basu …