
Why we must count caste

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The most obvious reason to count caste is that it is a real and significant source of social discrimination and economic inequality in India today. The fact that there has been a long-standing con-sensus about “abolishing” caste only underlines the need to count it.For without monitoring its impact on society, we will never know whether …


Buddha Teachings

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Buddhism is a philosophy of life expounded by Gautama Buddha (“Buddha” means “enlightened one”), who lived and taught in northern Inda in the 6th Century B.C. The Buddha was not a god and the philosophy of Buddhism does not entail any theistic world-view. The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely to liberate sentient beings …


Sathyam Babu and Ayesha Meera Nyaya Porata Committee’s first meeting will be held on 14th Sept.

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  Karthik Navayan  The first meeting of ‘Sathyam Babu and Ayesha Meera Nyaya Porata Committee’ (formed by Dalit, Muslim, Human Rights and other people’s organizations to achieve justice for both victims) will be held on September 14th in the Progressive Media Services premises, Hyderaguda, Hyderabad at 3 p.m.  Ayesha Meera, a B. Pharmacy student was raped …