Salas Shende The story revolves around a (dalit) sociologist and his struggle of going from nothing to a professor in an esteemed institution like Tata Institute of Social Sciences. From Karla village to Mumbai, the journey is quite long. The book describes the village life including the culture, caste and gender based discrimination and rituals. …
Caste based structural exclusion in Azim Premji University
Ankush Uttam Helode When I hear these two words—‘Mother and Father’—it pains me a lot. This is drawn from my personal experience: my mother was so determined to pursue education when she was young, but couldn’t get one owing to her parent’s socio-economic status which made her cry many times. When I asked her what …
Sanghi agenda: Religious polarisation among Adivasi communities
Chhotelal Kumar The Adivasi is frequently mistaken as a “noble savage” who leads a primitive lifestyle. His social and cultural traditions are perceived as unsophisticated and based on superstitions. In central India, tribals have their own religions, the most notable of which is Sarna, followed by Adivasis of Chotanagpur, and Koyapun, followed by Gonds …
Arigay Ramaswamy and his Struggle for uniting Dalits
Dr. Chandraiah Gopani The concept of emancipation is occupied a central theme for Dalit movements and politics both in colonial and post-colonial period. There were organic leaders among Dalits during Nizam period from 1906 to 1953. The period between 1906-1953 was crucial for vibrant Dalit activities and autonomous assertions in Hyderabad state. Although Nizam …
Transcending Thiruvananthapuram
Umar Nizar Nearing Thiruvananthapuram, the road bends, entering the city, as a vein enters the heart. The bus moves along the curve with its load of human destinies. People nap inside, in the secure snugness of their seats. For those who are awake, it seems like an age. The tarmac is slipping away under …
Airports over basic rights: Maharashtra government’s myopic plans for Gadchiroli
Bodhi Ramteke A plan announced in the current year budget of the Government of Maharashtra is to connect Gadchiroli with Samruddhi National Highway. It also proposes a new airport in the district. This decision should be welcomed. Because the tribals and the other residents of the district who have never even seen a train till …
Adivasis of mainland and Tribes of North East: A brief discussion on differences in development
Chhotelal Kumar In general, Adivasis are also known as Tribals, as Aboriginal or Autochthonous people, or Vanvasi. The tribal population of the country, as per the 2011 census, is 104.3 million, constituting 8.6% of the total population. And only 10.03 % of the population live in urban areas. Several scholars have classified the tribal population—like …
Buddha’s Fountain
Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase Kanshiram tilled the earth Sowed the seeds of Sant Kabir, Phule, Ambedkar and many more Sprinkled enlightened labour— Sprouts of change germinated
What of the Ukrainian working class?
Vinith Kumar This war that has now seemingly become normalized, thanks to all the noise on news channels, has had all of us wondering what it means for the world at large. Whether it would result in another world war, or if Russia will resort to using nuclear weapons, and so on. The inhuman …