Kranthi Kumar Mungamuri Ever since the movie Jai Bhim was released, it has brought back the fundamental questions in intellectual circles and University student politics about the title ‘Jai Bhim’. Some people have come forward to support the title of the movie ‘Jai Bhim’ and the story as well. Others raised very valid points …
Thoughts on Tanya Singh’s poetry collection from Panther’s Paw: ‘Blue is the Colour I Choose’
Chanchal Kumar The Hindi writer Ajay Navaria said in an interview, “We are not Dalits 24 hours a day”. This statement may seem puzzling. Some may think, How can one escape one’s identity at will? The signifier ‘Dalit’ isn’t a uniform that a person can put on for some time and then change into …
The God: Clashing Visions of the Jews and Brahmins
Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd The Idea of The God The idea of God even in the twenty first century rules the global human mind more than the state, and the constitutional laws. There is also fear and reverence of God more than just the idea of God. Though rationalism, secularism and liberalism emerged as a …
Some reflections on the movie ‘Jai Bhim’
Dr. SPVA Sairam Speaking about the oppressed communities and the state of Hindu Civilization, Dr. Ambedkar in his book The Untouchables (1948) remarked: “Besides the Shudras, the Hindu Civilization has produced three social classes whose existence has not received the attention it deserves. The three classes are :- (i) The Criminal Tribes who number …
Mixed handling of Caste in Shekhar Kammula’s “Love Story”
Moses Tulasi *Spoiler Alert: The piece contains an analysis of the film and inadvertently has to divulge certain plot details.* When was the last time one had seen a Dalit character playing a protagonist in Telugu films before the OTT revolution? Shekhar Kammula’s recent Telugu film ‘Love Story’ deserves to be applauded in that …
On ‘Jai Bhim’: How can individuals be seen as beacons of hope?
Anshul Kumar “The assertion by the individual of his own opinions and beliefs, his own independence and interest as over against group standards, group authority and group interests is the beginning of all reform. But whether the reform will continue depends upon what scope the group affords for such individual assertion. If the group is tolerant and …
Bahujan collectives cannot survive without trust and gratitude
Tanoj Meshram I still remember the simplistic example I used to give to myself and others from my college days about “collective” tea-making (of course with milk and sugar as it is often consumed in India!) to underscore the point that underprivileged Bahujan students or people can survive and progress only by encouraging collectives. In my example, …
The Supreme Indignity of being an Untouchable in India
Anshul Kumar “It is usual to hear all those who feel moved by the deplorable condition of the Untouchables unburden themselves by uttering the cry “We must do something for the Untouchables”. One seldom hears any of the persons interested in the problem saying ‘Let us do something to change the Touchable Hindu’. It …
Thoughts of Periyar
4th World Atheist Conference Number – Periyar on God There is no god!; There is no god at all; He who created god is a fool; He who propagates god is a rogue; He who worships god is a barbarian. I will explain further why we say so. He who created the soul, heaven, hell, …