Prof K. Laxminarayana The official channel of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) on 30th April aired the news of alleged encroachment upon assigned lands by Eatala Rajender’s family for their poultry business. The news came just after the voting for the municipal elections for Warangal district was completed. The timing indicates the vindictive political conspiracy …
Life of Bahujans in Brahminical Schools
Pranav Jeevan P Schools are one of the primary places where the functioning of caste is passed on to the next generation. Savarna kids are indoctrinated of their superiority and Bahujan kids are shown their place in the varna system here. The trauma they suffer at a very young age from school they carry …
Documenting Bahujan Musical Instruments
Dr. Chandraiah Gopani The book under review entitled ‘Mula Dhwani’ (Aboriginal Sound) is edited by Jayadhir Thirumal Rao and Guduru Manoja. This book was released in 2019, both in Telugu and English with the same title. In the absence of studies on Bahujan Musical Traditions, the book is a unique work in documenting more than …
Chaityabhoomi Film Project
Somnath Waghmare Dear all, I am plannning to edit our Chaityabhoomi film project this month. We plan to complete the edit by mid-July. After that, I want to organize film screenings online and with organisations who are interested in it. We will release the film to all on 6th December, 2021.
Are IITs safe for Dalit Students?
The Ambedkar Periyar Phule Study Circle (APPSC), IIT Bombay Aniket Ambhore, a student of electrical engineering, had fallen to his death from the sixth floor of hostel 13 on September 4, 2014. An SC student, he was alleged to have committed suicide. After his parents wrote to the IIT director, a three-member committee was set …
Ayurveda: claims, facts, and reality
Preshit Ambade India is watching the tussle between the Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Mr. Ramdev of Patanjali. Tall stories are being told about Ayurveda’s ability to cure diseases. I am an Ayurveda graduate, and I do have complete faith in the system. There is no doubt that there are shortfalls in the allopathic …
Was Identity Politics Dead in Uttar Pradesh or was it camouflaged under the garb of developmental politics?
Prof Vivek Kumar In 2019, Sudha Pai wrote, “The decade has witnessed weakening of identity politics and simultaneously revival of the BJP”1. Even a lay person can tell you how wrong she is if he/she could go through the debates of the mainstream and YouTube media of the past few days. The media houses …
Judicial Subversion of Affirmative Action Jurisprudence
Bobby Kunhu “Constitutional morality is not a natural sentiment. It has to be cultivated. We must realise that our people have yet to learn it. Democracy in India is only a top-dressing on an Indian soil which is essentially undemocratic.” ~ Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste The jurisprudence around reservations and affirmative action …
Karnan : A powerful cinematic projection of Dalit Assertion and Anger
Vidyasagar “He did not hit us because we vandalized the bus. No, he hit us because we stood tall. He hit me because I, Maadasamy’s son, was named Duryodanan.” ~ (Dialogue from Karnan) Karnan is a Tamil language film which was recently released on Amazon Prime. Karnan is the second movie directed by the Periyerum Perumal …