Pranav Jeevan P We have been debating tirelessly on different ways to abolish caste and other social evils which permeate the society that we have today. Raising voices against oppression, forming political parties and contesting in elections and also trying to force the government to form and implement policies which will give the Bahujans …
Politics of Hope in the Age of Pessimism
Shah Nawaz Afaque “For a revolution it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity and importance of political and social rights.” B.R. Ambedkar Is it just me or is there a lot of negativity in the air? Ideological clashes at the …
Dalit Commodity or Identity?
Gaurav Somwanshi Whatever I’m going to say is primarily built upon the articles that I wrote back in 2016, September 2016, especially. Of course, I’ve built upon many other things, but the core has remained more or less the same. In fact, I’ll be quoting most of them directly. So those articles were written …
Running with the wolves, Hunting with the hounds
Kanika S This essay explores the role of business archives in serving the business interests, and how history – distinct from the past – is created and revisions to it (or alternate interpretations) are prevented. Archives have become an important and inexpensive corporate asset in today’s world that shape a corporate identity by providing …
Ideology of English
Kuffir Nalgundwar It isn’t about the English language. It is about what the votaries of English medium education, primarily in government schools in India [want]. It is already there in private schools. There are very few private regional language schools left. Just looking at the stats also, now there are nearly 1.5 million schools …
The Misnomer Called Riot
Bobby Kunhu “It is the nature of physics to hear the loudest of mouths over the most comprehensive ones.” ― Criss Jami, Killosophy In discussions relating to identity in South Asia – when the obviously relevant argument that it is only the privileged that can claim an identity devoid of religion and caste is …
North American whites are also oppressed by the American empire
[SAVARI and Round Table India are doing a series to put together the Bahujan perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic] Pushpendra: Hi Akil. Let us start with your brief introduction for the readers in India. Akil: For the future audiences, I am Akil Bakari, a long time activist here in America. I have worked for the …
Can you unlove your stars?
Amarnath Sandipamu Please read the previous part of this article here. Manufacturing a star A film is a cultural product that takes shape through the labours of over 24 departments popularly referred to as the ‘24 crafts’ if not more. All the junior artists, side dancers, lightmen, camera assistants, drivers, sanitation professionals, electricians, cooks …
Dealing with old foes: Perpetual Exclusion and Loneliness
Akshit Sangomla My name is Akshit Sangomla. I work as a senior reporter at the Down To Earth magazine in Delhi. I report and write stories on climate change, natural disasters, astronomy, artificial intelligence and other science (and technology) related topics – something that Rohith Vemula would have loved to do but was not allowed …