
Introducing Sanghamitra, Business Incubator

sanghamitra business incubator

  Sundeep Pattem On the joyous occasion of Babasaheb’s 129th birthday, we are very excited to announce a new venture: Sanghamitra is a business incubator that aims to engage the creative energies of local communities in building socially conscious business practices and products. We are motivated to build local self-sufficiency via rooted knowledge, entrepreneurship, and …


Economic Democracy amidst COVID-19

dr jas simran 2020

Dr Jas Simran Singh Kehal ”So distribution should undo excess, and each man have enough”, King Lear Act IV, Scene I, Shakespeare. If we translate the original text in accordance with the scene, it means “The spoiled man who has everything, who can’t see the misery around him because he doesn’t feel it himself, should …


Islamophobia and Incarceration

shahdab perumal

Shahdab Perumal Islamophobia hovers around the ‘anxiety of Muslim violence’. This anxiety of Muslim violence constantly reproduces Islamophobia. It enables rigorous scrutiny of Muslim everyday life and political control of Muslims. The central question the author explores through this article is how this anxiety of Muslim violence warrants sedition charges on Muslims, with special reference …


Why and How the Government Fails to Remove Caste-Based Manual Scavenging in India!

ajay rahulwad

Ajay Rahulwad Introduction Manual scavenging is a caste-ridden occupation done by manual scavengers, workers who clean human excreta manually, meaning, with hands. If one would want to understand why these workers have to do this job, one has to look at its genesis in the caste-based occupational stratification in India. It is said that, “All …


‘Episteme’ based on Experience: Review of “The Cracked Mirror” by Gopal Guru and Sundar Sarukkai

Pic cracked mirror

Bhawesh Pant ‘Lived experience’ is growing in popular appeal (Hoerger, 2016). The reasons for this upsurge are ‘emergence of the politics of identity’ (pg.1) and the theoretical failing of different disciplines, in grasping the essence of varied marginalities. The observation pertaining to lived experience is certainly not new, the celebrated tradition like Phenomenology and Feminist …


The Supreme Court’s decision on reservations in promotion is a step back in the fight against social injustice

tanishque gedam

Tanishque Gedam Reservations in promotion for people belonging to the Scheduled Castes(SCs) & Scheduled Tribes(STs) in public services and government employment has been subject to intense debate and severe criticism ever since it first came into effect. However the issue was in the limelight again after the apex court in February ruled that reservation in …


From Farm to Food: Distress of a Haryana–based Farmer during Coronavirus Lockdown

farm to table

Lochan Sharma & Manish Kumar Sharma COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus, spreading primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes and is not an air borne disease, clarified WHO recently. On March 11, 2020, ‘deeply concerned’ World Health Organization (WHO) declared …