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Who gets to be “cool”? The politics of counterculture aesthetics

Ruth Chawngthu  In 2013, the MET Gala adopted PUNK: Chaos to Couture as its theme of the year. The title itself suggests that punk is intrinsically chaotic when associated with its original immigrant and Black working-class identity in the U.K., yet becomes refined or “coutured” once it enters the largely white elite ecosystem. This metamorphosis …


`Rasa’ theory and Subversion of Muslim imaginaries in Malabar

Umar Nizar  The culinary crafting of Bharata’s `rasa’ theory has been established so much so that it is even compared to the South Indian spice soup called `rasam’ which is a cocktail of spicy, sweet, tangy and sour flavours. `Rasa’ depends on the sue generic creation of emotion. `Vibhavaanubhavavyabhicharisamyogit rasa nischpatti’ is the famous rasa …