Showing 32 Result(s)

Rohith’s Friend Fights against Fascism: Let’s Support Vijay Kumar in the Polls!

vijay pedapudi

  Murali Ramathoti Friends, experience shows us that social movements are necessary but not sufficient to bring about long-lasting change. It also requires a strong political will and commitment which the present dispensation lacks. I trust legislative bodies, to some extent, could provide a platform for a democratic articulation of the problems of the marginalized …


Vipassana, path to salvation?

nikhil adsule

Nikhil SanjayRekha Adsule There has been a great hustle and bustle owing to the technique of “Vipassana”  which is in full vigour since 1972 in India. One Satyanarayan Goenka is proclaimed to have reintroduced it again in the land where Buddhism originated and thus unveiling a new revolution. The prevalence of Vipassana is garnering a …