Showing 16 Result(s)

The Quest for Inclusive Development: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Vision in the 6th Schedule

Dr. Aniruddha Babar The 6th Schedule embodies Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s profound vision of empowering tribal communities and promoting social justice. It is a testament to his commitment to ensuring the autonomy and dignity of marginalized regions, fostering inclusive development, and upholding the constitutional rights of all citizens. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the …


Being a Tai-Ahom: The Anti-caste Movement and the Problematics of Self-identification

Arunabh Konwar (This is not a historical observation, just extrapolations on personal experiences and observations.) Over the last couple of years, because of my own limited apparent proximity to some manifestations of the anti-caste movement in university politics in the mainland, I have often felt at loggerheads as to how to identify myself in this …


Understanding Tribal Culture: The Perspective from Within

balaka chattaraj 1

  Balaka Chattaraj The terms Tribe and Adivasi have been historically misinterpreted in academia. The Tribal and Adivasi culture have always been explained and argued from the colonial standpoint and caste epistemology. The two popular epistemologies have always painted Tribes and Adivasis in one particular manner, first as savage and second as under-developed. The caste …