Rahul Sonpimple Charisma is elusive yet the most common term to define leadership. Charismatic leadership is usually perceived as essential and assenting, specifically in politics. However, the history of charismatic leadership may not allow one to continue with such romanticism. Nazism led by Hitler and Italian Fascism led by Mussolini are the two most discussed …
Demolition of Historic Ravidas Temple, Chamarwal Johar in New Delhi
Ram Dayal Ahirwar Guru Ravidas needs no introduction. He is a well-known figure, who took birth in 15th century in Varanasi to parents working in leather processing. In modern India, Ravidas is revered by the Ravidasia community for the virtues he possessed. His denouncement of the brahmanical values holds immense significance in the history of …
“भीम आर्मी” का प्रदर्शन: मीडिया का मुंडन
सुरेश जोगेश (Suresh Jogesh) सुबह से भीड़ जमा होनी शुरू हो गयी थी जंतर-मंतर पर. देखते ही देखते आसमान का रंग जमीन ओढ़ने लगी थी. वही आलम सोशल मीडिया का भी था. हर ओर नीला ही नीला. मुख्यधारा मीडिया का काम इस बार सोशल मीडिया बखूबी निभा रहा था. जो तस्वीरें आती रही उनमें …