Nilesh Kumar There has been a steep rise in the number of atrocity cases in Maharashtra. Khairlanji in 2006, Kharda on 28th April 2014 in Ahmednagar district where a Dalit boy Nitin Aage (17) was killed by dominant castes, Manoj Kasab a Sarpanch from Matang (third largest in population among the Scheduled Castes in …
Bolstering Privilege: Reservation Debates During Elections 2014
Indrajit Roy As political commentators celebrate or bemoan the supposed change in the Indian polity with the ‘advent’ of Narendra Modi, it is important to highlight the fact that political parties were largely silent about social justice during the just-concluded elections. In fact, two of the largest political parties- the party that won the …
‘UPA and NDA are two sides of the same coin’: Sudhir Dhawale
Round Table India spoke to writer and political activist Sudhir Dhawale in Mumbai last week, after his release from a long term spent in prison due to false charges of being involved in Naxal activities. Arrested in January 2011, he was acquitted last week by Gondia’s sessions court after the police failed to produce …
BTAD Massacre: What it means to be a Bengali Muslim in Assam?
Rafiul Alom Rahman The election results are out. Narendra Modi is all set to be India’s next Prime Minister. TV and phone screens are flooded with congratulatory ads, messages. Acche din aane wale hain! In Assam, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has won 7 seats. In BTAD, Naba alias Hira Saraniya, the non-Bodo consensus …
The Manufactured Mandate and the Collective Shame of 2014
N. Sukumar and Shailaja Menon While driving past the Delhi police headquarters we happened to see a huge mural of Gandhi on the building walls when it suddenly struck us that the ideology which assassinated Gandhi is now controlling the national imagination. One may have differences with Gandhi’s beliefs but when political murder is …
Condemn the Assam Massacre, Ensure safety of Muslims, Arrest Pramila Rani Brahma
Condemn the Massacre in Assam, Demand immediate arrest of Pramila Rani Brahma; Ensure safety of Muslims in BTAD: A Statement by Civil Society Groups, Activists and Concerned Citizens ~ We, the undersigned, express our profound sense of grief and alarm over the gruesome massacre of Bengali-speaking Muslims on 2nd May. This most recent round …
Elephant Corridors
Vivek Kumar Why walking alone will always work for the BSP Canard, controversy, condemnation, criticism, caricature, the Bahujan Samaj Party chief, Mayawati, has seen it all in her long and tortuous journey to the top. But the fact is, as the 2014 Lok Sabha polls near, she poses the most formidable challenge to BJP …
‘It’s no alliance’
Zafar Agha Uttar Pradesh is the cradle of Brahminism: Kanshi Ram BSP supremo Kanshi Ram spoke to Special Correspondent Zafar Agha from his Escorts Heart Institute bed in Delhi. Excerpts: Q. When did your relations with Mulayam Singh Yadav reach a turning point?A. The panchayat elections were the turning point. There was rigging, booth-capturing, …
Faltering of Imagination of an Indian Marxist Intellectual
Ashok Yadav The eminent Marxist economist and intellectual Ashok Mitra, who is reputed to take a view different from the official left line, has penned an article titled- For the Nation’s Sake- The Congress Deserves To Give Itself A Second Chance– that appeared on December 05, 2013, in The Telegraph newspaper from Kolkata. The …