S Kumar The current political system in India has more dynastic rule than any time in the past. Even if we compare with the monarchies of earlier centuries, the rulers had less of a dynastic tendencies because of constant fighting among different regional powers and with invaders. In the past whoever was strong and able …
Politics of Hope in the Age of Pessimism
Shah Nawaz Afaque “For a revolution it is not enough that there is discontent. What is required is a profound and thorough conviction of the justice, necessity and importance of political and social rights.” B.R. Ambedkar Is it just me or is there a lot of negativity in the air? Ideological clashes at the …
Storming Libraries, ‘Achhe Din’ and the New Education Policy
N Sukumar and Shailaja Menon The NEP 2020 has been rolled out amidst the Corona pandemic with the grandiose dreams of unleashing India’s potential as a world teacher (Vishwaguru). Ironically, a few months back police stormed the library of Jamia Millia Islamia, thrashed students and vandalized the reading space. No one knows when the culprits …
Jeyaraj, Bennix case and the RSS in Tamil Nadu
Radhika Sudhakar The Jeyaraj, Bennix case is not the first gruesome custodial murder case in Tamil Nadu, this state has a long history and a terrible record, just as every other state in India. The gruesome torture and murder of the father and son by the police attached to the Sattankulam police station and …
Can Guns Save the Oppressed in India?
Himanshu Patil Chotelal Diwakar and his son Sunil went out for a walk around noon. Little did they know that the walk would be their last. The Samajwadi Party leader and his son were shot later that day over a dispute related to the construction of a road which allegedly crossed through the fields owned …
Roar of the Lioness : Shaheen Bagh
Salman Farissi Religion and Politics have most often shown derision towards the fairer sex – women. Patriarchy was rampant across the globe but history has been a gentle friend of women as when stories were told and historians started writing and narrating them, the real power of the fairer sex began dominating the arena of …
The incompatibility of RSS-BJP’s agenda with the idea of India: A Zero Hour prognosis
Salman Farissi In 2019, when BJP won with a bigger majority than ever before, the minorities of the country, especially religious minorities, were not only disappointed but deeply distressed. While they pondered their prospects, followers of the hardcore right-wing, sycophants of Hindutva ideology, were celebrating and contemplating making their idea of Hindu-Rashtra a reality. Before …
Bharat vs India: Understanding Debates of Naming Through Ernest Gellner and Anthony D Smith
Vidyasagar Recently, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a plea which sought a direction to the Central government to amend the constitution to change the official name of the country from India to Bharat. This plea claimed that “the removal of the English name, though appears symbolic, will instill a sense of pride in …
Modi, BJP, Sangh Parivar and gang spell callousness
Sundeep Pattem (SAVARI and Round Table India are doing a series to put together the Bahujan perspective on the Coronavirus pandemic) [The conversation was recorded on April 12, 2020] Anu Ramdas: Give me a big picture of how information flows in the US, between the federal government and state governments and how people receive …