Showing 136 Result(s)

‘What happened to Dalits?’

dharma raj

Dharmaraj Kumar “What has happened to dalits? Why have they become so violent? They are getting reservation through constitution in everything, what else do they want now?” was the concern of one of my friends. I had nothing to say in reply as it would have amounted to a provoked answer given in haste. To …


Truth behind Armed forces’ horrifying acts of rape & sexual violence in Kashmir

harshal kharat

  Harshal Kharat Round Table India strongly condemns the ongoing brutality on Kashmiris by Indian forces on civilians, that is particularly targetting young chldren, youth, women and the hospitalized, and stands by the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination. In this article, Harshal looks at the history of violence enabled by AFSPA and details the documented trail …


Renaming as Humiliation

libraries in delhi

  Jadumani Mahanand In JNU, many a times, an Ambedkarite cannot make out any difference between the Left, Right and Centre, which means one observes striking similarities among them. Because of the so-called Modi “wave”, the ABVP in JNU is trying to play politics by renaming the library, convention centre and stadium grounds after B. …


Celebrating Ambedkar, Challenging Hegemony

rahul sonpimple jnu

  Rahul Sonpimple Abstract This article aims to understand the recent ‘celebration of Ambedkar’ by the ruling party and other political parties. The article argues that the celebration of Ambedkar by the BJP and RSS is more than an unsuccessful attempt at appropriation, rather it is a socio-political compulsion brought upon by the Dalit-Bahujan struggle …