Showing 4 Result(s)

Seven Questions


  Gaurav Somwanshi   In this piece, I seek to outline some questions that arose in my life or I have seen them arise around me, questions which may contain within them their own pitiless answers that form the weather and climate of this caste society. While for some questions, I may not have any answer. …


The Question of Reservation and the Future of the Dalit-Bahujanas in India

Photo Mahitosh Mandal

  Mahitosh Mandal Everyone who feels moved by the deplorable condition of the Untouchables begins by saying: ‘We must do something for the Untouchables’. One seldom hears any of the persons interested in the problem saying: ‘Let us do something to change the Hindu’. ~ B R Ambedkar, ‘Untouchables or the Children of India’s Ghetto’ …