Showing 88 Result(s)

From Bhima Koregaon to London

bk london protest 1

  Saunvedan Aparanti I am an inevitable product of my history. It shadows me from the battlefields of Bhima Koregaon to the streets of London outside the Indian Embassy. This is where my history meets my destiny. My name is Saunvedan Aparanti. My ancestors were Mahars, shackled under the yoke of the caste system for …


Hindu festivals and Buddhist converts


  Deekshit इसको भरनेवाले जन कोसर्वस्व-समर्पण करना है।अपना तन-मन-धन-जन-जीवनमाता को अर्पण करना है। (Those who fill this form, shall renounce everything; surrender their body, heart, mind, and life to the motherland.) पर यह साधारण पत्र नहीं,आज़ादी का परवाना है।इस पर तुमको अपने तन काकुछ उज्जवल रक्त गिराना है! (But understand, this is not an ordinary …