Showing 5 Result(s)

Caste and Judiciary: Looking for Dalit and Adivasi Judges in Supreme Court of India

c ahamed fayiz 1

  Adv C Ahamed Fayiz The role of the judiciary is to make decisions in accordance with the letter of the law. While the law formulates general regulations, legislations allow enough discretion to the judiciary to exercise their independent reasoning and provide justice to the unique factual circumstances in individual cases. It is in exercising …


Let’s read SFI as ‘Students’ Fascism of India’: Dalit & Muslim Students of Kerala

adhil mediaone

  C Ahamed Fayiz Activists of Inquilab Students Movement were attacked by SFI hooligans at Government College, Madappally, Calicut today. Adhil Ali. A, a first year student who is pursuing BA political science, was brutally attacked by SFI goons. “We were locked up in the principal’s room and prevented from going outside the campus for …