V. Ratnamala The history of the press in India is the history of the freedom movement in the country. To a great extent, the Indian National Congress owed its popularity and position to the Indian press (Mazumdar, 1993). The history of the freedom movement happened to be the history of Congressmen. Hence the …
Dr Ambedkar and the freedom struggle of Dalits
Gail Omvedt (An excerpt from her book ‘Ambedkar: Towards an Enlightened India’) Less than two months after the huge conversion ceremony, Bhimrao Ambedkar was dead, found on the morning of 6 December, slumped over the papers he had been working on late at night. His death was followed by outpouring of grief as great as …
The Dalit liberation Movement in Colonial Period
Gail Omvedt & Bharat Patankar [First published in February 1979. This is the first part of a pathbreaking article on the Dalit movement in the mainstream media. It was pathbreaking because mainstream discourse had until then consistently denied or tried to studiously ignore the existence of the Dalit movement and its vital role in Indian …
Dalit Assertions and Violence in Odisha
Nilesh Kumar An article published in The Hindu (dated January 14, 2012) written by Harsh Mander is an eye opener for many of us who enjoy our private comfort zones. We feel safe and protected around our family, friends and acquaintances. There are many who do not have access to these secure environments and live …
Stop Forced Religious Conversions!
Dr. Udit Raj (First published in September 2006) The Sangh Parivar is not able to resolve the dangers looming large on the caste-based Hindu religion on its own. There is a saying that you should first try to resolve your differences on your own, and then consult your neighbours. But instead of taking recourse to …
Dalit History Month
Paari. chelian Black Americans have protested the slavery and racism thrust on them by the Whites through many forums including those of Black literature and politics. One such forum is Black History Month. They announced and celebrate February as Black History Month to redeem their racial history that has been side-lined so far. February is an important month in …
Murder of Jaggaiyan, Dalit Panchayat President of Nakkalamuthanpatti
Fact Finding Report on the murder on 22nd November, 2006, of Jaggaiyan, Panchayat President of Nakkalamuthanpatti Village Panchayat, Kuruvikulam Panchayat Union, Tirunelveli District (Press Release of 28th December 2006) Dalit Panchayat President Slain thirty days after Local Government Election for resisting caste slavery I. Introduction Tamil Nadu Federation of Women Presidents of Panchayat Goverment conducted a …
The Murder of Servaaran, a Dalit Panchayat President
Fact-finding Investigation Report into the alleged murder of Servaaran, a Dalit Panchayat president from Thirunelveli District REPORT 30th March, 2007 Introduction Information from news paper reports and Dalit rights organisations revealed that Mr.Servaaran, a Dalit and newly elected village Panchayat President, aged around 65 years of Maruthankinaru Panchayat, Tirunelveli District, was allegedly murdered by upper caste …
Andhra Pradesh Dalits and Adivasis marching towards achieving Statutory Status for SCP and TSP
Karthik Navayan SC, ST Sub-Plan Nidhula Saadhana Ikya Kaaryacharana Committee (United Action Committee to claim SC, ST Sub-Plan Funds) was formed under the leadership of Sri Kaki Madhava Rao, Former Chief Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh as its chairman and Retired Justice K. Ramaswamy as adviser. Retired IAS Officers Sri B. Danam, Sri K.R. Venu …