Showing 32 Result(s)

The merit of a casteist professor

shashi bhushan

  Shashi Bhushan Have you ever thought, why RESEARCH in India is deteriorating? Except for a few, why have all universities become centers of corruption? The central government has published data that says only 13% of teaching faculty belong to the reserved category, so you can’t blame reservation. Here I am giving you an answer …


Reservation denial and dubious recruitment process at Central Agricultural Unversity

shashi bhushan

Shashi Bhushan The Rajendra Agricultural University located in Bihar’s Pusa is known for its excellence in education. It was established in the year 1970 and later granted the status of a central university in the year 2016. The university is now known as Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University(DRPCAU). But, I will not talk here …


The Saviour Complex


  Bobby Kunhu “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~ George Orwell. This is an anti-ideological article – not post-ideological – to the limited extent that I am trying to critique grand narratives posturing to save the world. There is a much debated …


After students, EFLU targets senior officials to cover up corruption

Seize 1

  [Via Mohan Dharavath] We, the representatives of students’ organizations, have been raising our voice against irregularities and rampant corruption at EFL University time and again. In response, the EFL authorities have been issuing show cause notices to students from SC/ST/OBC and minority students to silence us by punitive actions. It is now the turn …