Showing 2 Result(s)

The Bloody Silence: When the Rape of a Dalit Woman Means Nothing …

 Vaibhav Kharat India’s recent history has been stained once again by two horrifying incidents of sexual violence—one in Bengal and the other in Bihar. Both crimes were monstrous, but the response to them exposes the rot at the core of Indian society, a society that remains shackled by caste even in its darkest moments. The …


Flaunting noble intentions, nurturing caste privileges

dalit issue

  Asha Kowtal My recent association with campaigns resisting violence against Dalit women has brought me in contact with several individuals, groups and organisations that represent diverse perspectives and histories. Broadly it includes groups which have been advocating ‘gender justice’ and others who have been battling the cruelty of the caste system in India. The …