Parakh Chouhan On 26 January, during a literary festival in Jaipur, Ashish Nandy told the audiences what he really feels about the majority of the country (dalits, adivasis, and bahujan), who have been kept at the bottom, and out of the social order for the last four thousand years. Here is his statement: “How …
“I am not for Ashis Nandy’s arrest, I want to expose him”
Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes [Ravi Chandran, of the video news journal ‘Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes‘, interviewed Dr K. Satyanarayana, Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, English and Foreign Languages University (EFL-U) on Prof. Ashis Nandy‘s recent comments On Dalit Bahujans at the Jaipur Literature Festival. Here’s the second and final part of …
“Is Ashis Nandy a sacred cow?”
Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes [Ravi Chandran, of the video news journal ‘Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes‘, interviewed Dr K. Satyanarayana, Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, English and Foreign Languages University (EFL-U) on Prof. Ashis Nandy’s recent comments On Dalit Bahujans at the Jaipur Literature Festival. Here’s a part of the transcript of …
The Emperor Has No Clothes
Dr. N. Sukumar Ashis Nandy’s observations at the Jaipur Literary Festival have created a furore. Inadvertently, it has exposed the shallow foundations of our academic elite. Suddenly, the brahmanical lobby is forced to go on the defensive and is tying itself up in knots providing all kinds of explanations. The Ashis Nandy fan club …
Caste Violence against Women
via Rupali Bansode National Workshop on Caste Violence Against Women: Voices of Victimhood and Voices of Resistance: Jan 25th – 26th
When I got confused for a spy in Kenya
Saurav Arya [Round Table India caught up with Saurav Arya, a friend and participant in the making of this portal, since the earliest discussions when we brainstormed for ideas to create virtual platforms for communications by and for Dalits, Adivasis and Bahujan. Saurav Arya is a ‘supply chain professional, a photographer and a traveler …
The Protests in Delhi and the Nationalist Paradigm
Jenny Rowena On a broken tar road in a rather remote area in Kerala (where I am right now), someone has scribbled this with white chalk: Sister, For You, Bad New Year(Sahodari, ninakkuvendi, bad New Year) This statement is addressed to the girl who passed away recently after being brutally raped in a bus …
“Agitate by burning down the Manu Dharma Shastra”: Kolathur Mani
[Via Ravi Chandran] On December 26, 2012, Dravidar Viduthalai Kazhagam will join hands with all other like minded progressive organizations who are concerned about annihilating caste, and agitate by burning down the Manu Dharma Shastra. Statement by Kolathur Mani: For more than 2000 years, the brahminical Manu Dharma was the one that was controlling …
Vivekananda’s Ideological Yatra
Gopika Nangia & Aashish Gupta It is not a mere coincidence that Narendra Modi had labelled his tour across the state of Gujarat “Vivekananda Yatra”. In a context where Vivekananda has been posited as a “leader of the youth”, it is pertinent to remember the principles the man stood by – casteism, racism, slavery, …