Showing 322 Result(s)

Day Long Protest Demanding Justice for Laxmipeta Dalits in New Delhi on 6th September

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On 12th June, in Laxmipeta, Andhra Pradesh, caste hindu villagers attacked Dalit families and brutally murdered 5 Dalits, grievously injuring about 50 others and completely destroying their properties. About 200 Dalit survivors of Laxmipeta massacre are in the National Capital to demand justice and to protest against the insensitivity of the local administration. Please join …


A Life Lived Well, and Lessons Thereof


Braj Ranjan Mani Jotirao Phule, and his wife Savitribai, declared war on brahmanic-casteist culture and religion. This Maharashtrian couple presented the first major anti-caste ideology and led a mass activism against the ascriptive norms and values. Their distinct brand of socio-cultural radicalism was based on uniting all the oppressed, whom they would call stree-shudra-atishudra. (Literally, …


The Murder of Dalit-Bahujan King Mahabali and the Myth of Onam


James Michael (For Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes) Onam is the only national festival of Kerala that has assumed a universal secular character. Other popular festivals like Christmas or Bakrid are closely identified with particular religions like Christianity and Islam. Although many Keralities participate in non-Hindu festivals, Onam assumes its certain universality in terms of …


Don’t Give Me Red!


Ajith Kumar A S Going straight into the matter, let me confirm that this note is my response to Anand Teltumbde’s article “It’s Not Red Vs Blue” published in Outlook ( Aug 20, 2012). I am sure that it is not a comprehensive critique of the article. But rather I will be sharing some questions …