शोभना स्मृति एवं कुलदीप कुमार बौद्ध भारत को आजाद हुए 70 साल बीत गए लेकिन हमारी दलित बहनों को आजादी कब मिलेगी आखिर कब तब तक हमारी दलित महिलाये, जाति उत्पीडन की शिकार होती रहेंगी, आज हमारी बहाने अपने गावं गावं में प्रताड़ना को झेलते हुए जिस प्रकार से संघर्ष कर रही है किसी ने …
Civic Education for the Oppressed and the Oppressors: How different it should be
S Karthikeyan A young 27 years old Muthukrishnan Jeevanantham aka Rajini Krish who was pursuing Ph.D. in Jawarharlal Nehru University (JNU) allegedly committed suicide on Monday, March 14, 2017. I say ‘allegedly’ since I firmly believe it’s another institutional murder thanks to discriminative practices that exist in Indian campuses. Such unfortunate incidents have taken …
Bheel Intellectual Forum: Heartbeat of Dalit Activism in Pakistan
Sufi Ghulam Hussain On 26th of March, the Bheel Intellectual Forum (BIF) organized a Scheduled Caste Jagarta Rally, the first ever rally that saw the participation of all major Dalit communities of Sindh. Kolhi, Bheel, Meghwar and Baghri walked through the streets of Mithi city of Tharparkar to demand rights of Scheduled castes communities, …
Dr. Khatumal Jeewan on the Rise of Meghwars in local Politics of lower Sindh
Dr Khatumal Jeewan Dr Khatumal Jeewan (Khatu) is the most celebrated Dalit leader of Pakistan. He has been senator, four times MNA (Member of National Assembly) and two times MPA (Member of Provincial Assembly) on party ticket of Pakistan People’s Party, between 1985 and 2013. This speech was delivered at a time when the …
Institutional Discrimination in Academic Agrahara
Bansidhar Deep “When equality is denied everything is denied. There is no equality in M.Phil/Ph.D admission, there is no equality in viva-voce, there is only denial of equality, denying prof. SukhadeoThorat recommendation, denying students protest places in Ad-block, denying the education of the marginals.”~ Muthukrishnan’s (Rajni Krish) last FB post. Caste system in India …
The Battle of Bhima Koregaon: An Unending Journey
Somnath Waghamare I am Somnath Waghamare, a Graduate in Sociology and Post Graduate in Media studies from Sangli, Maharashtra, India. The past few years I have been working with the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, and currently as an apprentice with a Human Rights Organisation in Bangalore. I am associated with the progressive, Ambedkarite Dalit social …
सत्य, सत्याग्रह, शूद्र, दलित और भारतीय नैतिकता
संजय जोठे (Sanjay Jothe) सामाजिक राजनीतिक आन्दोलनों में एक लंबे समय से “आत्मपीड़क सत्याग्रह” प्रचलन में बने हुए हैं. ऐसे भूख हड़ताल, उपोषण, आमरण अनशन जैसे तरीकों से समाज के एक बड़े वर्ग को झकझोरने में सफलता भी मिलती आई है. ये तकनीकें और “टूल” सफल भी रहे हैं और उनकी सफलताओं से जन्मी …
Maratha Kranti (Muk) Morcha: When will Maratha women cross the threshold?
Sandhya Gawali Maratha Community has been organizing massive silent rallies (muk morcha) in various districts in a strong display of restlessness. The immediate reason behind the march is the brutal rape and murder of a teenager Maratha girl in kopardi, Ahmadnagar district, Maharashtra. The three suspects in this case belong to the Dalit community. Firstly, …
Returning to Om Puri starrers ‘Aakrosh’ and ‘Sadgati’
Kshirod Nag In general perception, Om Puri is not only regarded as an exception in the commercial cinema of Bollywood but also praised for his portrayals, which supposedly speak out the social realities of the times. Two of the celebrated portrayals performed by him are Layanya Bhiku in “Aakrosh” and Dukhi in “Sadgati”, representing …