Showing 3 Result(s)

Civil society versus casteism, patriarchy and Brahmin dominance in Chhattisgarh

Degree Prasad Chouhan In a diverse country and society like India, where people of the some superior class and caste have been living at the highest peak for thousands of years  – in a country like that, post independence and the adoption of the Constitution, it is extremely difficult to get the principles of social …


Neither the “anonymous complaints” nor the “threats of arrests” are new for me: Degree Prasad Chouhan

degree prasad chouhan

  Degree Prasad Chouhan The state is continuously trying to establish a fake connection between naxals and me. I have been targeted by the state and non-state actors because of my sustained activism and my work against the feudal society, where the marginalized communities are suppressed and evicted, deprived of their human rights. This is …