Praful Kamble I come from a small village named Bhilwadi, in Sangli district of Maharashtra. I had pursued my Bachelor of Arts from my village. When I was in SSC and HSC I started my own Dance Academy called Blue Star. Gradually, I came into contact with the camera and I learned to handle …
‘Saheb: The Man Who Became a Movement’– Support the making of this Documentary
Round Table India Saheb is considered to be an extension of Babasaheb Ambedkar in post-independence India. Such was his influence on Indian society, and especially the political arena, that Prof Kancha Ilaiah referred to him as representing a ‘paradigm shift’. Ilaiah says: ‘He made the Bahujans (not just SCs but SCs, STs and OBCs) …
Caste on the Menu Card
Yogita Naruka Review: Caste on the Menu Card (2014) | 21 min The documentary film Caste on the Menu Card (2014) starts with the embeddedness and pervasiveness of caste in social life. At the outset, I feel it is important to highlight that the documentary film is significant not just because it revolves around …