Showing 2 Result(s)

Who Truly Benefits from the Creamy Layer in Reservation Policies

Dr Govind Dhaske  After the Supreme Court’s judgment last year, the creamy layer concept has gradually been extended to the reservations for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs). Originally, the creamy layer concept was introduced for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) following the recommendations of the Mandal Commission, mainly to respond to the massive upper-caste …


How Political Agendas Distort Marginalized Histories?: Lessons from the Debate on Fatima Sheikh’s Legacy

Dr. Govind Dhaske History writing is an academic endeavor; however, in India, it is equally an active political field. Dilip Mandal’s recent confession-style posts have sparked intense debates regarding Fatima Sheikh’s association with Jyotirao and Savitribai Phule and her contributions to their educational work. These discussions have surfaced more fundamental questions about how histories are …