Arvind Boudhh “Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise both will wither and die.” -Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Babasaheb must have made this statement when he felt the applicability of the same across all spheres of life. When we gaze through human history there …
Dalit Girls Negotiate Women’s Studies
Rupali Bansode Entering the academic space is not an easy journey for Dalit women. After studying in social science institutions and reading/learning theories about gender and women, there is a phase when self-reflection becomes necessary. In fact, reflexivity is considered very important in feminist research methodology. Taking this into consideration, this note is an …
Of Power and Privilege: Faultlines in Upper-Caste/Class Indian Feminism
Huma Dar material to be analyzed (1): upper-caste/class feminists have claimed that only the victims/survivors of sexual assault at an upper-caste “workplace” — the uc middle- to upper-class being implicit here — have the right to “feel confident that they themselves will have the right to control the pace of the follow-up, and also …
The Protests in Delhi and the Nationalist Paradigm
Jenny Rowena On a broken tar road in a rather remote area in Kerala (where I am right now), someone has scribbled this with white chalk: Sister, For You, Bad New Year(Sahodari, ninakkuvendi, bad New Year) This statement is addressed to the girl who passed away recently after being brutally raped in a bus …
Unpacking ‘Fulminations’: Caste and Patriarchy
Continued from here. Anu Ramdas Hira Bansode in her poem Ghulam (‘Slave’) writes: Where a woman in her youth is dried up by tradition she is confined all her life like a stunted tree she remains in the shadow of someone else’s light In that country a woman is still a slave ~~~ ‘We …
Confessions of a confused Dalit Woman!
Jyotsna Siddharth Today’s status quo bites me. The upper-caste, upper class, elitism in feminism, the hypocritical pretension about issues and a bit of everything is disturbing. I would not have come up with this piece if I did not have the opportunity to attend an event recently in Delhi and would like to thank Zubaan …
Whipping up ‘critical pedagogy’: Uncritical defense of NCERT’s violence
Savari (Round Table India thanks Savari for sharing this article) Universally, the imagery of a whip evokes the reality of violence throughout human history. The whip is inseparable from violence against slaves, dalits, women, animals and children. Almost all histories of protest against injustice, be it feminism, anti-slavery, anti-caste or anti-apartheid movements have protested and …