Showing 3 Result(s)

Indian Ethical Thought And Its Discontents: Shenanigans Of The Great International Shashi Tharoor

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  Umar Nizarudeen I am also surprised at the praise for this book from a sensible social science scholar like Neera Chandhoke, in another review. Caste-blind scholarship which draws a quick distinction between Hinduism and Hindutva is forcing the Congress of Rahul Gandhi to own Hinduism, as a strategy to bring the Congress back to …


Critiquing GC Spivak’s ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’

chanchal kumar

  Chanchal Kumar Anybody who has tried reading ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ will accede to the fact that it is a text rooted in the academic discourse. Perhaps that’s the reason why the ideas propounded therein are still considered to be unchallenged, or at least impossible to ignore. I am undertaking the task to bust …