Showing 8 Result(s)

Manchester Launch of Hatred in the belly: Politics behind the appropriation of Dr. Ambedkar’s Writings

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  Manchester Launch of Hatred in the Belly: Politics behind the appropriation of Dr. Ambedkar’s writings by Ambedkar Age Collective When: 6 – 8pm, 6th October 2016 Where: Samuel Alexander A201, The University of Manchester, Oxford Rd, Manchester Talks, Readings and Discussion Chair: Rubina Jasani Speakers: Anu Ramdas, Kuffir Nalgundwar, Gaurav Somwanshi, Sruthi Herbert, Sridhar Gowda, …


Hatred in the belly: Politics behind the appropriation of Dr Ambedkar’s writings

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  Announcing the first title by The Shared Mirror Hatred in the belly: Politics behind the appropriation of Dr Ambedkar’s writings There has been an upsurge in the attempts to appropriate Babasaheb Ambedkar, his texts and the entire Ambedkarite thought and movements into the hindu/upper caste narrative. These subtle to blatant attempts negate and nullify the …


Hatred in the belly

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  Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes Joopaka Subhadra, poet, writer, and women’s rights activist, was one of the key speakers at the ‘Democratic Debate on Appropriation of Ambedkar’s Writings’ held on April 10, 2014, in Hyderabad. The following text features her intervention at the debate. {youtube}IjD6u3qQswo{/youtube} 180 pages. When I read that, what I felt …