Showing 54 Result(s)

Hindu festivals and Buddhist converts


  Deekshit इसको भरनेवाले जन कोसर्वस्व-समर्पण करना है।अपना तन-मन-धन-जन-जीवनमाता को अर्पण करना है। (Those who fill this form, shall renounce everything; surrender their body, heart, mind, and life to the motherland.) पर यह साधारण पत्र नहीं,आज़ादी का परवाना है।इस पर तुमको अपने तन काकुछ उज्जवल रक्त गिराना है! (But understand, this is not an ordinary …


Chalo Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar!

chalo ramabai poster

  Ambedkarite Students of Mumbai We, Ambedkarite students from Mumbai, strongly condemn the attacks and threat on the life of Prof. Kancha Ilaiah, a highly respected intellectual and scholar of non-Aryan, pre-Vedic knowledge. It is because of his scholarship as one of the greatest scholars on the pre-Vedic, non-Hindu ideology that resisted the Aryan assault …


Savarna Christian contributions to ‘Hindu’ Nationalism: The example of Srambickal Kuruvilla George

n shobhana

  Nidhin Shobhana (Paper presented at the India International Islamic Academic Conference held on 8-9 October, 2016, at the India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi.)  Abstract: By late 19th century and early 20th century, one finds the emergence of an ‘upper-caste’ Christian public sphere comprised of theologians who identified themselves with the values of ‘Hindu’ and ‘Hindu Nationalism’. …