Mayur Kudupale The Maharashtra government has initiated steps to change names of localities, awards and to remove the word ‘Dalit’. For changing the name of localities the government is attempting to remove the stigma attached to the names of the localities; it has also changed the name of award Dr Balasaheb Ambedkar Dalit Mitra Puraskar …
Ruling Class’ Stupidity and Privilege
Pranav Jeevan P There is an argument that is put forth often by people of privilege that not everyone who is privileged is naturally intelligent enough to be “woke” from reading and understanding the issues of discrimination and atrocities in the name of caste or class. So, the argument goes on to say that …
Dear society, I have questions for you!
Shivani Waldekar My dear society, do you know that I heard the word ‘society’ for the first time when I was in 11th standard when one of the teachers who loved me a lot taught us one day the valuable words of Maclver and Page, “Society is the web of Relationships.’ Back then, I …