Swapnil Sunil Gangavane In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in films and television serials in India dedicated to the life and struggles of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, a towering figure in Indian history and the principal architect of the Indian Constitution. While these productions are ostensibly created to honor Ambedkar’s legacy and shed …
Nagraj Manjule: Exposing Merit – A Hoax of the Caste Society!
Utkarsh Manav If a person from an ex-untouchable community becomes a well known personality in any field or makes his presence felt in any sector, these days he gets a prefix attached to his profession and that prefix is ‘Dalit’1. The insertion of this prefix seems to imply this community was not meant to be …
Why Not Janeu Under My Kurta?
Rahmath EP Lipstick Under My Burkha is a ‘by the Brahmin for the Brahmin’ movie to propagate the Savarna definition of the ‘oppressed women’. The whole movie gives you a clear picture of the story of women’s assertion on their personal and sexual liberation through brahminical patriarchal narration filled with Islamophobia by projecting Muslim …
भारतीय सिनेमा का सुपरस्टार – जातिवाद और सामंतवाद का सहज उत्पाद
संजय जोठे (Sanjay Jothe) विश्व सिनेमा में धाक जमाने वाले फ्रेंच निर्देशक गोडार्ड ने जोर देकर कहा था कि हमें सिनेमा में सबकुछ शामिल कर देना चाहिए. यह कहते हुए उनका आग्रह था कि समाज में और जिन्दगी में जो भी जैसा भी है उसे वैसे ही रखना चाहिए. तत्कालीन फ्रेंच और हालीवूड सिनेमा …
The Rise of BJP: Bitter Fruits of Fertile Brahminical Soil (Part II)
Nidhin Sowjanya Continued from here. The political and historical trajectory of the Brahminical Hindu domination that was traced in the last part is found to be deeply prevalent in almost all spheres of society. This part attempts to highlight how the Brahminical Hindu power is displayed, both brazenly and subtly, in our day-to-day lives. …