Umar Nizar In the wake of the election of Narendra Modi, the sociologist Shiv Vishwanathan made the startling claim that Modi’s OBC credentials were obliterated by the fact of his fair skin, which for working class Indians heralded upper class antecedents. (Shiv Vishwanathan himself was caught in a rather strange double bind, having supported …
Digital Acceleration and the uses of Muslim Literacy: A local reading of Richard Hoggart
Umar N The Malayalam speaking Muslims of Kerala, often mythically trace their lineage to Arab merchants traveling to the West Coast of India, and evangelical sojourners in the post-Islamic phase, who won royal patronage and sometimes married local women and settled down. In the course of time, the community has been buffeted by the winds …
Community Struggles Towards Democracy – Part 1
KK Kochu Democracy, according to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, is not just an order of governance, but it is a way of living. Unsegregated living with sense of unity and sharing of acquired experiences is necessary in order to achieve such a state. He has said that it is impossible to achieve such a state …
Bhima Koregaon: Commemoration as an Alternative Narrative for the Dalits
Nandhana Prem As a girl of 12 years, I came across Kancha Ilaiah’s book “Why I am not a Hindu?” for the first time. Stepping away from the fictions of that time, I took interest in works like “Karukku” by Bama, “Mother Forest” by C. K. Janu and most important politically, “Annihilation of Caste” by …
A vote for justice in Idukki
G Gomathi Dear Friends, I am contesting the upcoming Lok Sabha elections which is to be held on 23rd April 2019 from the Idukki constituency. In the current political scenario, we realise more and more the significance of Dr B R Ambedkar’s political vision that until and unless the ex-untouchables get political power, the exclusion …
Life and Social Philosophy of His Divine Holiness Narayana Guru
Harshkumar Kugwe It is commendable that the government of Karnataka is celebrating the birthday of the great thinker Sri Narayana Guru as an official ceremony. It is definitely a means of showing respect to the great religious thinker and social reformer. Unfortunately, though, the situation has become such that whenever governments celebrate birthdays, it is …
Caste among Malabar Muslims
Bobby Kunhu “The saints have never, according to my study, carried on a campaign against caste and untouchability. They were not concerned with the struggle between men. They were concerned with the relation between man and god. They did not preach that all men were equal. They preached that all men were equal in …
Dionysian Masculinity as the locus of Marxism in Kerala
Umar Nizar The Kerala People’s Arts Club (KPAC) has been at the forefront of the propagation of Marxist ideals in Kerala since its inception. This has taken the form of polemical plays such as Thoppil Bhasi’s `Ningal Enne Communistaakki’ (You Made me into a Communist) which later invited the reposte `Ningal Aare Communistaakki’ (Whom …
Kerala Flood Relief & Syrian Christian Caste Arrogance (Part 3)
Dalit Camera: Through Un-Touchable Eyes This is a transcript of the third video in the series of interviews Dalit Camera had documented in Kerala on the flood relief operations. The video was taken by Dr. Ravichandran Bathran; the translation was done by Shahal B. {youtube}NRTkP9N_hPk{/youtube} My name is Tinu. My home is nearby, Pallippad. …