Akhilesh Kumar People are talking about the movie 12th Fail and its emotional scenes. As a Dalit, I felt the need to write and raise some critical points about the portrayal of the movie. Emotionally, this movie tried to connect with the audience. This movie depicts the struggle of a person to crack the UPSC …
Jayanti: The story of a revolutionary transformation
Nikhil Walde Jayanti is a very unique movie in Marathi Cinema that touches the very core of Ambedkar’s philosophy and his vision of ‘Educate, Agitate and Organise’. The movie is directed by Shailesh Narwade who is an Ambedkarite and the cast is from the Bahujan community. In this way, this movie is an insider’s …
Jayanti: The Roaring Story of Oppressed Unity and Transformation
Vicky Nandgaye, Manoj Meshram Prelude: Central Theme and Cast of the Movie Recently a Marathi movie ‘Jayanti’ was released on the big screen in Maharashtra. Jayanti is a Marathi word denoting birth anniversary. Here it discusses the birth anniversary of Ambedkar. Santosh Narwade is the director and writer of the movie. The followers of …
Jayanti: A celebration of Bahujan history and autonomy
JS Vinay The recently released Marathi movie ‘Jayanti’ is creating waves in the Marathi circles. Based on my understanding , I will try to share some points (not in order of preference) as a viewer and as also someone who belongs to the Vidarbha region where the movie & characters are based. Use of …
Caste Hindu hypocrisy over the movie ‘Jai Bhim’
Kranthi Kumar Mungamuri Ever since the movie Jai Bhim was released, it has brought back the fundamental questions in intellectual circles and University student politics about the title ‘Jai Bhim’. Some people have come forward to support the title of the movie ‘Jai Bhim’ and the story as well. Others raised very valid points …