Musafir Baitha Kabir walked this earth almost 600 years ago, and his ideas have had a tremendous impact. Ours was a feudal society back then. The suffocating traditions of the Hindu religion such as caste differences, blind beliefs and superficial rituals had made the lives of the common people miserable. So overwhelming was their …
A Bahujan ‘Third Space’ Beyond Left and Right: Really?
Khalid Anis Ansari Dialogue with BAPSA, JNU: Part One At the outset let me extend my congratulations to BAPSA for the splendid performance in JNUSU elections. In the last few weeks I had tried to follow BAPSA’s JNUSU campaign from social media and other sources closely and had extended my unequivocal moral support. The …
JNUSU Elections: The myth of Left Unity and the upsurge of the Oppressed
C Ahamed Fayiz “It is your claim to equality which hurts them. They want to maintain the status quo. If you maintain your lowly status ungrudgingly, continue to remain dirty, filthy, backward, ignorant, poor and disunited, they will allow you to live in peace. The moment you start raising your level, the conflict starts”. …
Why JNU can Ill-afford to ignore Rahul Punaram Sonpimple
Jyotirmoy Talukdar Come Wednesday night, Jawaharlal Nehru University in the country’s capital will witness another session of the much awaited presidential debates. If the analyses and estimations from last year’s elections – which said that Kanhaiya Kumar’s speech swept all the floating votes toward his favour – are anything to go by, the night …
A Discourse called Dignity: Notes from Kashmir
Pushpendra Johar In September 2015, a close friend who is from Kashmir was debating the outcome of the recent recruitments of young Kashmiris in local militant organizations like Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. The discussion was in the light of the history of early days of militancy and their culmination in the late 1990s. He concluded that it …
Where are the professional dalits in the media?
Dinesh Aminmattu [This is the text of the speech ‘Inclusivity of professional dalits in the media”(ಪತ್ರಿಕೋದ್ಯಮದಲ್ಲಿ ವೃತ್ತಿಪರ ದಲಿತರ ಒಳ್ಳಗೊಳ್ಳುವಿಕೆ’) delivered in Kannada by Dinesh Aminmattu at an event, organised by the Karnataka SC/ST editors association to celebrate 125th birth anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar, on 18th July 2016] If I am asked who my role model is …
Where is our Home?
N A M Ismail It was my belief that similar to tigers, leopards, cats, dogs and wolves the majority of human beings were meat eaters. This had given me an extraordinary confidence that I could eat anything, that flies, except aeroplanes; that has four legs, except chairs and stools; that has two legs except humans; …
Ambedkarite vs. Left Debate: A Bahujan Perspective
Ambedkar Reading Group, Delhi University It is summer and the rage to appropriate on the part of the Savarna left parties is more evident than ever, especially in university spaces such as ours. In JNU, they have created BASO, to compete with BAPSA, (Birsa Ambedkar Phule Student Association). We also hear of another Bhagat …
Seeing the Violence of Caste, Literally, Visually
Sruthi Herbert I have a major deadline to meet next week, and this must be why all those things I feel I should write come to me at this moment. Below is a screenshot from the movie Kammath & Kammath that released in Kerala in 2013. Before I go further, let me explain that I …