Showing 8 Result(s)

A March for Reason

subodh minto

Subodh Minto The month of March in the year 2014, brought India closer to the next general elections, which were due in April and May. The failure of policies of Indian National Congress led UPA II Government raised hopes of the chief opposition, the Bharatiya Janata Party, a Hindutva (Brahmanic) force which was trying to …


Penning Rebellion

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  A brief note on Dalit literary movements in Maharashtra Daisy Katta Revolutions are stirred on paper and are born out of pens and inks. Revolutionary movement categorically uproots the very being of an accepted thought and tries to negate, challenge, eradicate social evils, thus creating an atmosphere of non-conformity. Literature is a vehicle for …


Ourselves as “other”

drishadwati bargi

Drishadwati Bargi “They had the power to make us see and experience ourselves as “other”” ~ bell hooks, Black Looks: Race And Representation.  Narrative one: I have known a Dalit man for the past twenty four years of my existence. Like many other first generation beneficiaries of affirmative action policy, he has worked and done well …


The Panther has breathed his last


  Eminent Marathi poet Namdeo Dhasal passed away today (January 15th, 2014). This is the collective tribute of a group of Round Table India writers. ~ Here-in the distanceRevolution rumbles everywhereYou hear it? His poetry did not belong to the pages, for neat archiving in some anthology. It had trees, but they were leafless. It …


Dalitizing History: A New Paradigm in South Asia

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  Chinnaiah Jangam [Reviewed by Chinnaiah Jangam (Wagner College), Bhagavan, Manu; Feldhaus, Anne, eds., Claiming Power from Below: Dalits and the Subaltern Question in India. H-Asia, H-Net Reviews. December, 2009.] Over the last two decades, the South Asian landscape has experienced a resurgence of untouchable voices challenging the dominant social, economic, political, cultural, and epistemological structures, …