Showing 13 Result(s)

Federalism and Punjab

Jaspal Singh Sidhu

Jaspal Singh Sidhu First of all, it is my reservation, most people might not like that, I don’t call India a country. I call it a subcontinent, South Asia. In history, it has never been one country, if we go back. Nehru said, India has been one country (‘unity in diversity’), it was a 5000 …


Dynasty in Indian Politics

bjp dynastic politics

S Kumar The current political system in India has more dynastic rule than any time in the past. Even if we compare with the monarchies of earlier centuries, the rulers had less of a dynastic tendencies because of constant fighting among different regional powers and with invaders. In the past whoever was strong and able …


The incompatibility of RSS-BJP’s agenda with the idea of India: A Zero Hour prognosis

salman farissi

Salman Farissi In 2019, when BJP won with a bigger majority than ever before, the minorities of the country, especially religious minorities, were not only disappointed but deeply distressed. While they pondered their prospects, followers of the hardcore right-wing, sycophants of Hindutva ideology, were celebrating and contemplating making their idea of Hindu-Rashtra a reality. Before …


जे.एन.यू. में ब्राह्मणवाद की खेती: जितेन्द्र सुना

jitendra suna

  जितेन्द्र सुना मुथुकृष्ण्न की संस्थानिक हत्या के विरोध में 16 मार्च, 2017, को बपसा द्वारा आयोजित प्रदर्शन मे भाषण; अंग्रेजी से हिंदी में अनुवाद: अंजली मेरा नाम जितेन्द्र सुना है और मैं उड़ीसा के कालाहांडी जिले के एक सुदूर गाँव पोउर्केला से हूँ| मैंने अपनी हाई स्कूल की पढाई बी. आर. अम्बेडकर उच्च विद्यापीठ पोउर्केला से की, …


Social Transformation and Nation

pruthviraj ramagorakh

  Pruthviraj Rama Gorakh From the last two years, the topics of nation and nationalism are being hotly debated in the country. In the last parliamentary elections, the BJP’s campaign put forth their idea of nation, based on Hindu nationalism. As they complete two years in office, we are now able to analyze their idea …